Infrared Spectra Alteration in Water Proximate to the palms of Therapeutic Practitioners

Mar 16, 2010

Infrared Spectra Alteration in Water Proximate to the palms of Therapeutic Practitioners (PDF)


Through standard techniques of infrared spectrophotometry, sterile water samples in randomly selected sealed vials evidence alteration of infrared (IR) spectra after being proximate to the palms of the hands of both Practising and Non-practising Therapy Practitioners, each of whom employed a personal variation of the Laying-on-of-Hands/Therapeutic Touch processes. This pilot study presents 14 cases, involving 14 Practitioners and 14 Recipients. The first hypothesis, that a variation in the spectra of all (84) Treated spectra compared with all (57) control spectra would be observed in the 2.5 – 3.0 micrometer range, was confirmed (p = 0.02). Ten per cent (15) of the spectra were done using a germanium Internal Reflection Element (IRE). Ninety per cent of the spectra (126) were done with a zinc selenide IRE, and the difference in refractive index between the two IREs skews the data. The zinc selenide IRE spectra alone yield p = .005. The authors believe the most representative evidence for the effect appeared in the sample group of Treated vs. Calibration Controls using the zinc selenide IRE (p = 0.0004). The second hypothesis, that there existed a direct relationship between intensity of effect and time of exposure was not confirmed. This study replicates earlier findings under conditions of blindness, randomicity, and several levels of controls. Environmental factors are considered as explanations for the observed IR spectrum alteration, including temperature, barometric pressure, and variations dependent on sampling order. They do not appear to explain the effect.

Publication history: Subtle Energies. (1990) Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 43-72. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 29th Annual Parapsychological Association Annual Meetings, 5-9 August 1986. See Proceedings pp. 257-282. An abstract of the final paper is published in Research in Parapsychology 1986, (Meutchen: Scarecrow, 1987). This version of the report was presented as an Invited Paper at the Society for Scientific Exploration Sixth Annual Meeting 29 May 1987, and a slightly edited version was presented at the Federation of American Chemical Societies Meetings 1987.

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